Prepare 4 One Shot

Choreography and Dance | Yutaka Nakata
Dancer | Solo

Original Music
| Aleksi Aubry-Carlson
Existant Music | Armand Amar

Production | DIEM company
With the support of | CCA Centre de Culture et d’Animation - La Madeleine
In collaboration with | L’Atelier-Culture La piscine - Dunkerque

Length | 15min

Olympic symbol: five coloured rings. Passion, Body, Water, Technic, Energy. And four years to reach this very unique and particular moment when you exceed yourself for the Big Event.

What does the athlete experience during these four years preceding the Olympic Games? Which tension and pressures, which mutations does the body go through during this time of intense preparation and development both physical and mental?
Citius, Altius, Fortius”. The eloquent olympic motto proclaims in a ceremonial latin, “faster, higher, stronger”! It’s all about breaking out beyond human nature in this very moment when the energy from the heart explodes.

But more than competition, isn’t it the essential point of this race for excellence, the inner-fight for self- transcendence?
